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Year 10 Mock Interviews

At the end of last half-term all of Year 10 have taken part in mock interviews (pictured above) aimed at helping the students learn how to answer difficult questions, improve their communication skills, reduce stress before actual job interviews and help boost their confidence.

We welcomed 21 guests who work in a wide range of industries including; Architecture, Accountancy, Medical, Insurance, Property Management, College, Apprenticeships, Publication, Engineering, Software Development, British Army and Royal Air Force. Each student was then matched to a career of their interest so that the mock interview was meaningful. 

Ahead of the mock interviews, students had a presentation on communication skills and the importance of clear verbal communication, active listening and positive body language. Additionally, students learnt how to write a personalised CV, and how to build evidence to demonstrate personal achievements and successes. All of which has been added to their personal Record of Achievement folder (pictured below). 

On the day, students attended their interview with their Record of Achievement folder and had a 10 minute interview. After the mock interview, each student has been given individualised feedback so that they can reflect on their successes and areas for development.