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Princess Trust – Enterprise Challenge

By 29 March 2023No Comments

In January, 60 Year 10 students participated in the annual Princess Trust – Enterprise Challenge. This competition is run across Lancashire and Yorkshire and has over 900 participants. Part of the competition saw the Year 10 students split up into teams of 6, and compete against each other. The teams were set the challenge of developing an entrepreneurial solution linked to sustainability. Each team was then asked to present their business idea to the Prince Trust judges. Team KIG, consisting of Jenna, D’Arcy, Zakiyya, Kevin, Michael and Talal were shortlisted for the competition final in Leeds.

The final was held on Friday 24th March 2023 at the Leeds Marriott Hotel. Team KIG had to pitch their entrepreneurial idea (Uniform Upcycle) to a panel of business judges and an audience of over 100 members. Team KIG not only delivered a pitch which was inspirational and thought provoking, but one which entertained both audience and judges alike. Their idea, which involves reducing waste of outgrown uniforms, but also recycling these uniforms in order to provide affordable options for families on low or no income, which is extremely important in today’s current economic climate.

Once all the pitches had been made, the judges deliberated for a short while, before returning and announcing the Top 3 in reverse order. This was perhaps the most nail biting moment of the day! Uniform Upcycle came through victorious, winning the competition, their idea standing out way ahead of their competitors. For their victory, Uniform Upcycle were awarded with a £500 prize to allow this or another enterprise to be created by the pupils within the school.

Congratulations to Team KIG – to Jenna, D’Arcy, Zakiyya, Kevin, Michael and Talal.