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English Department’s Stars of the Week

By 17 February 2023No Comments

Work of the Week

Year 7

Joe W has written a great letter to a magazine about why heroes shouldn’t be banned! Click here to view the work.

Year 8

Khadija V has written an excellent narrative titled The Surprise. Click here to view the work.

Year 9

Amaan K has wonderfully explored the monster’s perspective in Frankenstein. Click here to view the work.

Year 10

Julia G has produced some excellent analytical notes on the poem Afternoons. Click here to view the work.

Year 11

Safah D for a brilliant Part A Unseen poem answer. Click here to view the work.


Reader of the Week

Year 7

Fatimah A and Khadija M for reviewing the most books in class.

Year 8

Dylan F for giving Lady Macbeth a unique voice.

Year 9

Isa H for his lively take on Coraline.

Year 10

Ahmed K and Henley N for reading the parts of Romeo and Juliet well.

Year 11

Khadijah P for a brilliant reading of an unseen poem.