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English Department’s Stars of the Week

By 8 December 2022No Comments

Work of the Week

Year 7
Aisha B for creating a gruesomely brilliant ending to the story ‘Dog, Cat and Baby.’ It is written from the perspective of a dog. Click here to view the work.

Year 8
Humayra M has done some great work on comparisons in Blood Brothers. Click here to view the work.

Year 9
Faatimah A has written a great diary entry from the perspective of the monster in Frankenstein. Click here to view the work.

Year 10
Zaynah M has shown great effort in her poetry lessons. Click here to view the work.

Year 11
Rabiya A has written a brilliant narrative. Click here to view the work.

Readers of the Week

Year 7
Lucas R for excellent reading of his own story ending. 

Year 8
Amaan B for excellent reading of a Shakespearean sonnet. 

Year 9
Scarlett J for reading notes as a lawyer in an exciting mock trial. 

Year 10
Jake W for excellent reading as the Ghost of Christmas Past. 

Year 11
Yusuf D for excellent character reading of Mr Birling.